Magnify – Advent at St. Patrick’s

Saint Patrick’s is delighted to introduce the 2024 Advent theme, “Magnify.”

The word “magnify,” of course, is drawn from Mary’s magnificent YES! to God’s invitation to serve humanity in the role of theĀ Theotokos, or God-Bearer. “My soul doth magnify the Lord; Let it be unto me as thou hast said,” is Mary’sĀ MagnificatĀ and her YES to the divine invitation! Parishioners Sally and Campion Primm have, once again, synthesized the Scriptures and themes of the season of Advent, this time in the cosmic imagery of God’s expansive Universe.

As the expectant Mother of God, she is called to step into the fullness of Mary, the Mary God created her to be. God does not ask her to be anything different than she is, only fully Mary. And with God’s help, she is up to the demanding invitation set before her. God’s love for all creation will be embodied in her grace, courage and faithfulness, quite literally manifesting itself in the fullness of her growing belly, as the baby Jesus is the fullness of God’s love and faithfulness manifest in human flesh. 

The undulating call of Love from the One who created the heavens and the earth and all that dwell below the skies, echoes across the vast universe of time and space to each one of us in Love Supreme, Love come to earth, Emmanuel, God With Us. “And the Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” No longer lost sheep, no longer separated from the God and Parent of all, Jesus comes to show us the way to live as we were meant to live, in love and in beloved community, just as the Trinitarian God lives blissfully and eternally. Fittingly, God uses a northern star to outshine all other stars, galaxies and planets in their courses to announce the arrival of God’s only Son, for the healing of the world. O come, O come, Emmanuel! Shine in our hearts, Lord Jesus!